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Trademark registration in Latvia provides its owner with the exclusive right to this trademark in the territory of Latvia. The service also applies to the registration of a collective and certification mark.


Process description

  1. Service requests
    A completed trademark application form must be filed, which includes:
    1) a request to register a trademark;
    2) information which permits the unmistakable identification of the applicant;
    3) a representation of the mark applied for;
    4) the list of goods and services for which the trademark registration is requested (when compiling the list of goods and services, the Nice Classification must be used).
    Each application may contain a request for the registration of only one trademark.

    The application fee must be paid within one month from the date of submission of the registration application (see Cabinet of Ministers on 15 December 2015 Regulation No. 723 "Patent Office price list of paid services"). If the application covers more than one class of goods or services, an additional fee shall be paid for each additional class.

    A power of attorney shall be attached to the application if it is submitted through an authorized person. Professional patent attorneys can file the application without the power of attorney. The original of the power of attorney must be submitted and, if the power of attorney covers several applications, a separate copy must be attached to each application.

  2. Receipt of services
    The notice of the registration of a trademark is published in the Official Gazette of the Patent Office.

    The registration certificate is issued to the owner in paper or electronic format.

    Upon receipt of the paper certificate, an invitation from the Patent Office to appear for the trademark registration certificate must be presented.

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Position Price
Filing of an application for a trade mark 90.00 EUR
Filing of an application for a collective mark or a certification mark 150.00 EUR
Fee for each additional class of goods and services (one class excluded) in an application for a trade mark, a collective mark, or a certification mark 30.00 EUR
Registration of a trade mark, a collective mark, or a certification mark, including publication of the registration and issuing of a registration certificate for a trade mark, a collective mark, or a certification mark 95.00 EUR

We offer to complete and submit an online application form for registering a trademark in Latvia.

This is the fastest and simplest way of filing an application.

The application form includes the instructions and explanations on how to use it.

To be able to use this service, you must be authenticated with one of the authentication tools on the portal

You can interrupt the process of submission, save it to your computer and proceed with it at any time convenient for you.

The application fee, including the applicable 10% discount for immediate payment via Internet banking, is calculated automatically.

If the applicant chooses the option not to pay the application fee at the time of submission, the discount will not be applied.

The service is available 24 hours a day.

Information to be indicated in and materials to be attached to the application:

• data that allow to clearly identify the applicant (trademark owner). The applicant's declared place of residence must be indicated in the Address section;

• a sign applied for registration. The allowed file types for figurative trademarks are: JPEG, JPG, BMP, TIFF, TIF, PNG. The maximum size of an individual file should/must not exceed 15 MB. The recommended image size is 8 cm x 8 cm. The minimum image resolution is 300 DPI;

• a list of goods and services for which registration of the trademark is requested.

Before applying, it is recommended to search the Trademark Databases to make sure if the same or similar trademark has not already been registered in Latvia for the same or similar goods and services.

There is a fee for applying for and a fee for registering a trademark: Fees. The application fee depends on the number of the classes of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services. The registration fee is payable if the trademark is approved as registrable. If the trademark registration is refused, the application fee will not be paid back.

The registration of a trademark is valid for 10 years (and it can be renewed every 10 years), starting from the date of its application, if it has not been cancelled, declared invalid or revoked before this term. If the registration is cancelled, declared invalid or revoked, the application and registration fees will not be refunded.

The application can be submitted electronically, using E-service, E-address or e-mail address, if the application is signed with a secure electronic signature (if the application does not contain special categories of personal data), as well as in person.